Have you ever noticed the way Penguins always look as if they are searching the floor for something tiny? The river bank of the Thames, which me and George visit occasionally because we know a small entrance to get to it, does exactly the same thing to most of the humans who go down there, they start behaving like Penguins, he should know better!
Anyway, when we last down there it was a chance for me to check the work of the painters on the underside of my Tower Bridge, it has been getting slowly repainted this past couple of years, I'll post about that soon, the jobs nearly finished.
I'm not to keen on the river bank except when the tide has gone out it's furthest so there's a sandy beach it's all rough rock, not kind on my paws.
I prefer to set myself down and just watch George and the few other people you see behave like Penguin's, they are looking for things they might want, maybe people drop coins of passing River boats at high tide..by the way, the Thames is tidal around London, there is no bank when it's high tide.
George calls it Beachcombing, but I've never seen him comb anything he's usually looking for River glass, and Hag stones, stones with a hole going through them, it does look nice when he finds some of the glass though, that gold fever look on his face! you sometimes see people George calls Mud larks , they wear funny clothes and dig deep holes , you would think they were after bones, but surely not, there's loads of bones around here, but all green with age. They don't like George or other people because they 'haven't got a license to be here'...they soon pipe down when I tell them they won't be allowed to cross MY bridge if they keep whining. That reminds me, a lot of people collect bits of clay pipes they find, George used to as well but tired of them, there's so much of these dog ends of the day. Dog ends? I'm suspicious of that, but see the video thing George made about that....